To all the users of CMSimple out in the world wide wilderness :)

Here is the result of my work on the integration of:
  • tiny_mce > v3: ( get tinymce as seperate download here )
  • with the integration of:
    • Ajaxfilemanager - as a plugin to tinymce:
      • with integration of swfupload: ( Update 14.11.2008 - for new flash version 10 ! ) * with integration of multilanguage Sitelink - written by me :) * Updated on 01-06-2009 - with integration of Ajax Image Editor - found at: Get the whole Ajaxfilemanager and the tinymce.php on my homepage at: Install: Get the latest stable tinymce, and copy it at your webspace - best place: * root * 2lang * cmsimple * tiny_mce Set the needed rights for your webspace… Get my zip and copy the tinymce.php into your cmsimple path - if you don't use the default folder for tinymce you have to change the absolute path - line 75: <code php> var cmsURL = ”/tiny_mce/plugins/ajaxfilemanager/ajaxfilemanager.php”; change this to an absolute path pointing to ajaxfilemanager.php </code> to the path, where you copied the tinymce. Copy the folder - ajaxfilemanager - inside the plugins folder of tiny_mce and not inside the plugins folder of cmsimple!!! If you don't want to use the default path for your images and files ( ../../../images/ ) change the lines 50 & 51 inside the file: ( found in the dir inc of ajaxfilemanager ). If there are problems with displaying the tinymce, ajaxfilemanager, swfupload or Sitelink - be aware of the needed rights for the folders and files. == I hope my work is running ok at your enviroment and everything is satisfying your wishes…. == If you need help or have any questions - don't worry - just call me at my contact page - and I'll be there 8-) ===IMPORTANT ! ! ! IMPORTANT ! ! ! IMPORTANT ! ! !=== ===Install and use my script at your own risk=== ===IMPORTANT ! ! ! IMPORTANT ! ! ! IMPORTANT ! ! !=== UPDATE ON 01-06-2009 UPDATE ON 01-06-2009 UPDATE ON 01-06-2009 UPDATE ON 01-06-2009 Now you can edit your pictures online - after uploaded with the swfupload - with many features: * Resize your images * Crop your images * Rotate your images * Use some filters like: blur and sharpen, brightness and contrast, automatic color correction, colorbalance and invert * Place some text into the images * Used your own images as watermarks ( put your images for watermark into /base_folder/watermarks/ ) This should work in conjunction with imagemagick and gdimage ( the second programmed by me - may be a little buggy :)) and maybe there are some problems working with gif or png and alpha transparency - sorry for that :( but everything ok with jpg :) I hope you can use my integration well and you like it… /dokuphp/editors/tinymce_modified/ajaximageeditor.jpg Ajax Image Editor Integration into Ajax File Manger by Klaus Treichler © 2009 UPDATE ON 01-06-2009 UPDATE ON 01-06-2009 UPDATE ON 01-06-2009 UPDATE ON 01-06-2009 Klaus Treichler 2008/08/07 21:34
editors/tinymce_modified.txt · Last modified: 2009/12/03 18:55 (external edit)
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